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Conclusion and Future direction

It gives me a lot of satisfaction having been able to compile a lot of material for the web without taking recourse to costly software as far as practicable. Many a hurdle had to be overcome in the process which did take up a lot of time. Locating an alternative open source software to do the job, mastering the use of it and finally using it to implement the project did take longer than anticipated. Moreover one had to diligently fulfill ones 'teaching-obligations'. Nevertheless, the experience has made me mentally stronger, more knowledgeable and more confidant to take up further challenges in this domain of interest.

The best thing about this work is the fact that it is web-based and therefore 'open-ended'. I have purposefully not included the details pertaining to some of the more common topics in the subjects (primarily in Quantum Mechanics) due to constraints of time, focussing instead on a few of the more difficult and challenging topics. However I plan to include the topics at the earliest, update and upload the material onto the web regularly, rectifying broken links and inadvertent mistakes, in the process.

One point that I would like to make is that the free web-hosting site I am presently using has some notable constraints. The first and foremost is that it has limits to not only the size of one's account but also to the amount of data transfer and the bandwidth. As the website grows and if more users want to access the site, difficulties would arise. Besides I had to manually upload more than hundred files one at a time onto my free account in order to generate the web pages. This is a very painstaking procedure and not at all a feasible option when the web pages have to be frequently updated. Some amount of money should be allocated beyond the tenure of the project so as to sustain the website and helping it to grow on a paid web hosting site which would allow amongst other things a decent total size of the files loaded, decent amount of data transfer and bandwith, and ftp facility to upload and download files all at one go. Basic paid services start from a couple of hundred rupees a month and should be sufficient for us.

And finally I plan to include some web-based forms through which I would like to have feedback and suggestions from the students and visitors to the website. It is the students, eventually, whose response would tell whether the project has been able to accomplish what it set out to do, viz., successfully introduce students to web based e-learning methods. Going by the little feedback I have had from the students of my class, I am confident that this method has the potential of becoming a popular supplement to the conventional teaching methodologies in the near future, especially with personal computers and laptops becoming more and more easily accessible.

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Abhijit Poddar